Wednesday 21 May 2014

The beginning. Again.

I've had a few blogs. Most of them only have a couple of posts, because I've never won the popularity contest and it feels like that the only reason to write a blog is to get a million followers and make it your day-job. Well I might be exaggarating a bit, and if I were to be totally honest, I've never managed to update something like a diary regularly. I'm first enthusiastic, and then I just forget about it.


I recently, in the beginning of April 2014 to be more exact, started knitting. And was thinking that it might be fun to also blog about it. I did post a couple of posts already in another blog that I started  (haha!) in Finnish, but for some reason I prefer English. I'm not saying that I can write or speak English anywhere near to being a native, and probably I'll translate things such as phrases from Finnish to English in a way that only makes sense to me...

Let's move on. This won't be a fancy artsy craftsy blog, because I'm not really creative. I don't take inspiring/inspired photographs with a fancy camera and I don't do interior designing nor come up with clever ideas. (Our household is usually a mess with cat litter and cat hair all over the floors and carpets, and HOW DO I FIT ALL THIS STUFF HERE?). At most I try to recreate what someone else has created and will mostly fail. In terms of handicrafts, if I can do it, anyone can do it. And I suppose that's the point of view I will try to have here.

I have a lot of things in my mind I'd like to write about in this blog. Lets see if I can make it.

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